Coyote Ridge Encourages Girls to Explore Interests in STEM Activities
April 14, 2016
The Gizmo Girls at Coyote Ridge Elementary encourages third through fifth grade girls to explore everything STEM.
According to The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the number of female engineers, though still very low, has improved since the 80’s, climbing from 5.8% to around 14%. With stereotypes such as linking masculinity to technology still prevalent in today’s society, Coyote Ridge Elementary is doing it’s part in encouraging girls to take a deeper look into science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.
“Research shows that girls perform equally as well as boys in math and science throughout K-12, yet within the math, computer science, and engineering workforce, the percentages of females working in those fields change dramatically,” Coyote Ridge Principal Michele Jacobsen said. "The hope through Gizmo Girls is to reinforce the desire and support the inquiry our female students have in science, technology, engineering, and math and give them an opportunity to investigate, feel confident, and explore the wide range of career opportunities available.”
The Gizmo Girls club, made up of eight third, fourth and fifth grade girls and sponsored by four teachers, is in its first year at Coyote Ridge. The club meets on Thursdays after school where the group experiments with different STEM activities, including Google cardboard and constructing support bridges out of newspaper.
“There’s a lot of critical-thinking and problem-solving going on,” Computer Literacy Teacher and Gizmo Girls Club Sponsor Liana Alvarez said. “The activities we are doing are a lot of fun, but really educational at the same time, so the girls love it.”
In order to be a part of Gizmo Girls, each of the students had to go through an application process that entailed each of them receiving permission from their teachers to participate where their grades and how they were performing in class was considered. They also had to write an essay explaining why they thought they were a good fit for the club and create a product, whether it be an iMovie, PicCollage, or a hand drawn picture, that described who they were and what their interests were.
“We had several students do experiments,” Alvarez said. “But each of them had to upload their product into Google Drive and share them with us. There were a lot of little details they had to sort out in order to apply for the club.”
With the club so new, now only in its fourth week, the girls quickly took a liking to the activities and look forward to their club time each week.
“I really liked the activity when we experimented with augmented reality versus virtual reality,” third grade student Sahasra Reddy said. “You can visit a whole new world without having to physically go anywhere - it’s really cool.”
For Reddy, STEM fields run in the family. “My dad’s a computer engineer and he teaches me a lot already, so being in this club gives me a chance to learn even more.”
Alvarez added: “We really want to empower these girls; the club gives them an opportunity to shine and discover and explore everything STEM.”
To see more photos of the Gizmo Girls during their club time, click here. To stay up to date with the Gizmo Girls through their blog, click here.
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